Our Pastor

K.R. Senn has been the pastor of Berean Independent Baptist Church since 2015. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Pastoral Ministry from Landmark Baptist College in Haines City, Florida. He also holds degrees in Computer Science and Business Administration from Troy University.

Prior to his arrival in Alamogordo, he served Christ as an Evangelist (2012-2015). During those 4 years he and Gina traveled the world ministering wherever God opened the door, including mission works overseas and church plants. Their schedule was an incredible 48 weeks a year, covering most of the United States and the countries of the Philippines, Guam, Germany.

He has also pastored churches in Tucson, Arizona (1996-2002) and Port Norris, New Jersey (2004–2012). 

Pastor Senn is a 10 year Air Force veteran, serving his country with honor and distinction before being called to serve an even higher authority full-time.

Pastor Senn and Gina have been married 39 years and have served Christ faithfully together. Gina has traveled alongside her husband to every speaking engagement. She is also a gifted speaker and has been used by God in several ladies conferences worldwide

Assistant to the Pastor

Pastor Macias is a native of Alamogordo and he was saved at Berean when he was a young man. He graduated from West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, California. In December 2019, he became our youth pastor. In 2021, Isaac became Pastor Senn's Assistant.  Isaac & Gabriella Macias have been married since 2018, and they have 3 children.